International Heat Pipe Conferences (IHPC), IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 13th - 17th October 2013

Registrations Closed
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Event Type:
Venue/Offline Mode
Start Date :
13th October 2013
End Date :
17th October 2013
Location :
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Organizer :
IIT Kanpur
Category :
International Heat Pipe Conferences (IHPC)

About Event

International Heat Pipe Conferences (IHPC) series started in the year 1973, at Stuttgart, Germany, with specific focus on topics related to science, technology and applications of heat pipes, thermosyphons and related passive phase-change heat transfer devices/systems. The last forty years have seen phenomenal technological growth and market penetration of heat pipe systems. The past 16 uninterrupted IHPC editions have diligently reflected this extraordinary progress. Today IHP conferences are the established primary knowledge repository of this art.


Fundamental studies on thermal and fluid-dynamic phenomena associated with heat pipes and closed two-phase thermosyphons, CPLs, LHPs, oscilating heat pipes, mini/micro heat pipes, etc. Theoretical and experimental studies on thermosyphons and heat pipes including CPL, LHP, oscillating heat pipes, mini/micro-heat pipes, etc. Applications in manufacturing process and material processing, including new developments of wicks, fluids, materials, modeling of corrosion and life tests. Microelectronics and power electronics thermal control applications. Heat pipe and thermosyphon application in various industries, including heat pipe heat exchangers, heat regenerators, vapor generators, renewable and new energy systems, etc. Aerospace applications of heat pipes, including spacecraft thermal control, space power systems, space experiments and high speed aircraft applications State-of-art of heat pipe development in different countries and different fields and new ideas of heat pipe development. Important dates/deadlines



Related Links:

Conferences Conferences in Uttar Pradesh Conferences in Kanpur Kanpur Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur International Heat Pipe Conferences (IHPC)

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